Shopify vs Big Commerce

June 15, 2021

Shopify vs Big Commerce: The Ultimate Smackdown

Setting up an online store is a crucial decision for every business owner, and it all comes down to choosing the right platform. Shopify and Big Commerce are two major players in the e-commerce industry, but each has its strengths and weaknesses.

Round One: Pricing

Shopify offers monthly plans starting from $29 up to $299 per month for businesses with larger operations. On the other hand, BigCommerce offers plans from as low as $29.95 up to $299.95 monthly.

Both platforms have varying transaction fees depending on which payment processor you choose, with Shopify charging 0.5% to 2% and BigCommerce charging 0.5% to 1.5%.

It's a tight fight in the pricing category, but Shopify barely scrapes through with plans that are slightly cheaper.

Round Two: Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, Shopify wins hands down. It's a platform that's popular among people with minimal technical experience. Shopify's user-friendly interface makes site design, product upload, and order processing a breeze for store owners. BigCommerce, while easy, still requires some knowledge of HTML and CSS, making it a less-than-ideal choice for beginners.

Round Three: Features and Integrations

Both e-commerce platforms offer various features to their users. Shopify has better integrations with popular accounting and inventory management software such as QuickBooks, Xero, and ShipStation. They also have a vast selection of add-ons and extensions, making store customization more accessible.

While BigCommerce has a decent selection of app integrations, it's not as extensive as Shopify's. BigCommerce holds the edge with its built-in support for Google AMP and an abandoned cart saver for higher-tier plans.

Round Four: Support

When it comes to support, Shopify provides 24/7 customer support through phone, email, and live chat. They also have a vast knowledge base offering step-by-step instructions and articles for self-education. BigCommerce offers email, phone, and live chat support too, but during limited hours.

In the support category, Shopify is ahead of BigCommerce with its 24/7 customer service availability.

Final Round: SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in the success of online stores. Shopify has a more comprehensive SEO system than BigCommerce with features such as XML sitemap generation, title/meta tag optimization, and automatic canonical URL generation.

BigCommerce also has SEO features such as URL optimization and customizable robots.txt files. However, Shopify's SEO structure provides a more solid foundation.

Conclusion: Who's the Winner?

It's a tight race, but Shopify emerges as the winner in this battle of the e-commerce platforms. It's easier to use, has better integrations, and more comprehensive SEO features. However, BigCommerce's unique support for Google AMP gives it an edge in the SEO category. Ultimately, the final decision depends on the specific needs of individual store owners.


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